My Top 20 Favorite Garden Writers – And Yes, They Are All Women!
Ever walk onto a frozen pond as a kid? Sometimes you do it as a dare. Sometimes it’s because as a kid you just ain’t too bright. But as an adult?
Risky business indeed. So making a popularity list where women are concerned is potential fireworks. Let me assure you that this collection of garden writers is part unscientific study, part grade 9 statistics and part mumbo jumbo. I poured over the stats on our podcast shows, on Twitter and on my Google analytics to build the list up to November 1st.
I type with 4 fingers, and two of them need spell check, so it’s not Shakespeare. But it is a sensational resource list of tremendous garden writers. Is your favorite on the list? I’d love to hear from you. Suggestions are welcome. If I’ve forgotten anyone I do apologize. The list next year may be quite a bit larger!
Here’s what I do know…every single one of the ladies on this list is a passionate gardener! They share tremendous tips on social media, they love to write, and they were sensational guests on the Back To My Garden podcast. If you love gardening you should follow every single one of them on Twitter, check out their blogs, and share their work with the world.
I invite you to help us to grow the gardening conversation and reach 1 million new gardeners by the end of the decade!

22 Cheli Cuevas @gildthegarden
Cheli is an urban gardener in busy Los Angeles California. She has a brilliant YouTube show and is passionate about making spaces beautiful. You can’t imagine where her actual garden is!
21 Susan Cohan @susancohan
Susan is a tremendously talented landscape designer and contributing editor to Garden Design magazine. She’s the 2014 President of the APLD. Her portfolio of work is outstanding. I got to ask her about “zonal denial” and you won’t believe what she said!
20 Cathy Rehmeyer @ma_hubbard
Cathy shares amazing photos of her garden on social media. She is very experienced at four season gardening on her hillside garden using poly tunnels. Despite the unpredictable Kentucky weather her broccoli is enormous!
19 Shawna Coronado @shawnacoronado
Shawna is a celebrated garden author from Chicago. Her newest book about vertical gardening is sensational. Her backyard garden has an annual theme that can only be appreciated through the power of flight. Her blog is gorgeous!
18 Leona Schroeder @flowercents
Leona is an avid gardener from beautiful Fraser Valley British Columbia. A flower enthusiast she also grows vegetables and attracts birds to her slice of paradise. She shares beautiful photography on her social media stream.
17 Cristina da Silva @cristinagardens
Cristina has tremendous experience with a variety of gardening techniques. She taught me about keyhole gardening. Cristina co-ordinates the popular #grounchat on Twitter.
16 Rochelle Greayer @rgreayer
Rochelle lives and gardens on the top of a gorgeous property on several acres. She just launched a beautiful gardening magazine that everyone should enjoy called Pith and Vigor.
15 Sarah-Jane Watkinson @greedygardener
Sarah-Jane gets great pleasure from her 4000 square foot garden. She is a great contact to have for gardening in England. She has excellent tips for recipes from the garden on her blog.
14 Alexis Watters @beanandbeeblog
Alexis was one of the top storytellers that we have ever had on the show. She is a sensational blogger, and shares her passion for permaculture and sustainability with the world.
13 Alison Levey @papaver
Alison tends her English wild garden in Leicester. She shares absolutely gorgeous flower photos on social media. Her blog is excellent in variety and scope, tons of great tips!
12 Victoria Robertson @gardeningbyvr
Victoria builds living plant sculptures that are out of this world! She gardens as much for the general public as for herself at a famous walled garden in England. Her flower photos are incredible…you will want to see these.
11 Nell Foster @joyusgarden
Nell is the author of “Keep Your Houseplants Alive.” She gardens in Santa Barbara California and her gardening blog is filled to the brim with inspiring tips and great resources. A perfect contact for your friends with brown thumbs!
10 Erin Meier @bbburrow
Erin and I were guests together recently on a world-wide Google Hangout for winter gardening. After I interviewed her on my podcast, she flipped the script and interviewed me for her blog! Erin is enthusiastic about growing plants and helps others to discover their way and find joy in the garden.
9 Becky Godlasky @fultongarden
Becky has a unique understanding on gardening that comes with living in a variety of climate zones. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge and always shares it freely with other passionate gardeners.
8 Megan Phelps @seedsmulchweeds
Megan gardens in Kansas and shares her writing on social media regularly. She participated in this years #GardenConnect Challenge and openly discusses her gardening experiments with the blogging world.
Laila Noort @sowandso
Laila has a fantastic garden blog with a unique perspective…she gardens in Belgium and her best friend gardens in England. Make sure you check out the gorgeous photography on her site!
6 Noelle Johnson @azplantlady
Noelle is one of the most knowledgeable gardeners that I have met when it comes to strategies for drought-resistant gardens. She gardens in hot and dry Arizona and is an excellent teacher.
5 Holly Baird @TheWIVegGardenr
Holly is a firecracker at creating gardening tutorial videos! Her YouTube channel is brilliant. Holly is a great gardener and is excellent at teaching canning and food preservation.
4 Christy Wilhelmi @gardenerd1
Christy is a celebrated gardening author, a top speaker and teacher, and the host of the #1 gardening podcast in iTunes. She is gardening royalty! Make sure you listen to her weekly Garden Nerd show and leave a 5 star review if you love it as much as I do.
3 Laurie Neverman @commonsenseidea
Everyone should follow Laurie on Twitter for the excellent homesteading articles she shares. Such an amazing assortment of topics and subjects! She is an excellent teacher in the garden.
Annie Haven @greensoil
I call Annie my “Professor” with great admiration. Not only is she a genius when it comes to enhancing your soil, she is extremely generous with her knowledge. She was the very first guest on the BTMG podcast!
1 Jen McGuiness @jenmgardens
Jen is an absolute rising star in the garden blogging world. Her gorgeous blog “Frau Zinnie” is a treat for the visual learner. Our interview together is jam-packed with tips and gardening wisdom!
Top 20 Garden Writers Promo Video
There you go, my top 20 favorite garden writers list…if you like it please share it along. You may have noticed 22 names on the list. We boosted it by 10% because that’s the proper way to grow a garden, and a new bunch of friends. What about the “gardening men” you ask? It’s a work in progress…coming soon! If you’d like to be notified when it comes out, follow us on social media below. If you have a suggestion for your favorite male garden writer, please contact us.